What does a popular uprising in an Asian nation decades ago have to do with Kamala Harris’s campaign today?
A lot.
Nearly Forty Years Later…
In 1986, after Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos stole his country’s presidential election, hundreds of thousands of Filipinos demonstrated in what came to be known as “People Power”: They jammed Manila’s streets to block his tanks from crushing a pro-democracy military rebellion. His regime’s collapse days later capped months of opposition mobilization throughout the nation.
In 2024, Harris is similarly mobilizing massive numbers of supporters across America. Many thousands of volunteers are knocking on doors, making phone calls and otherwise doing get-out-the-vote grunt work down the home stretch. She closed her powerful D.C. speech tonight by emphasizing that “each of you has the power to turn the page.” Here’s the Harris campaign link, to pitch in; even at this late date, such help could prove pivotal in an excruciatingly close election.
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